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 To  About_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d

What is this ?


Subsidiary of the Orbatum group, Orbatum Academy is a drum school associated with an online platform to learn the drum, available 24/7, traditional and modern style. It is also a program of master classes with international guests.

The speakers are professional musicians and qualified teachers.

For what ?


To give access to the culture and the teaching of the drum, whatever the social and geographical situation.

Connect professionals of the instrument with its enthusiasts everywhere in France. 

With these technical exercises and unpublished scores, it is also a resource center complementary to the courses given in music schools.



Orbatum Academy is supported by various musical and public organizations, including the Society International of Rudimentals Drummers, the Ecole Française du tambour, the Union des Fanfares de France, the Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles Ile-de-France, the company Soundrums .

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The ORBATUM set 


Orbatum is a drumline style ensemble based in Paris. It combines traditional and modern repertoire in a surprising staging.

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Theo Regis

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Théo  is a drummer - percussionist with the Band of the Brigade des sapeurs-pompiers de Paris, and also founder of the "Orbatum" ensemble, a drumline-style drum ensemble in Paris. He also teaches drums and percussion in different schools and conservatories and during master-classes and composes regularly for the drum.


Alexandre Mahieu

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Alexandre is a drummer - percussionist in the Republican Guard Band. He is also part of the "Orbatum" ensemble and the Drums of the Opal Coast. He teaches percussion in the north of France and composes pieces and works for drum and percussion, such as "Le livret des wrists".


Lucas Lehouck

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Lucas  is a drummer with the Tambours de la Côte d'Opale, also with the Harmony Orchestra of the City of Dunkirk and occasionally the Grand Mix orchestra._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Passionate about his instrument, he wishes to participate in its influence.

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Alban Gravelet

Alban is a drummer-percussionist in the Republican Guard Band. Member of
group Orbatum, he also teaches drums and drums in Île de France, and intervenes
regularly during internships and master-classes.


Valentin Chauchat

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Valentin is a drummer - percussionist in the band of the Gendarmerie Mobile. 
Former teacher in music schools in Puy-de-Dôme.
He is a member of the “Orbatum” ensemble and author of compositions for drum.

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